Naval Battles
In order to win a war you have to have a well-rounded military. Being able to bring the battle to the waterfront opens new opportunities and strategies. The use of boats in warfare rose in popularity with the invention of the cannon. Prior to that most naval warfare consisted of ramming boats and boarding enemy vessels. Since the cannon, naval warfare has made vast advancements, not only do we have cannons and guns but navy boats are now equipped with missiles and torpedos. Not to mention the huge aircraft carriers that have helped take our Air Force to the seas. The advancements in naval technology have helped to ensure safety along the coastlines as well as improve the technology on our own recreational boats. The following infographic covers the largest naval sea battles in history. The first one dating back to 480 BCE and the most recent during World War II.
Navy Influence
These battles have helped to shape the history of boating. Though warfare is just one aspect of boat usage, it has been one with some of the most funding and hard pressed for development. The ships used by the Navy are some of the most powerful boats in the oceans and don’t even compare to the ones we see coming into AYB. We are lucky to have the Naval Station Norfolk so close and can see these boats first hand. The station isn’t just the largest naval complex in the U.S., but also the world. Naval Station Norfolk is home to Commander, Naval Air Force, US Atlantic Fleet, Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic as well as the Defense Department’s largest supply center. We listed it as one of the places to visit around the Chesapeake Bay in a recent blog post. You can view their visitor information and times on their website.