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Tag Archives: yachting

How To Make Sure Your Personal Flotation Device Fits Properly


Did you know…


  • That half of all recreational boating fatalities happen in calm water?*
  • That these fatalities often happen close to shore?*
  • That in most cases, there were PFDs stored on board the boat, but they weren’t being utilized?*
  • That the number of U.S. boating accidents had steadily fallen from 1997 to 2012, but they have been on the rise since then?**

This is why The U.S. Coast Guard’ Boating Safety Division recommends that all boaters wear PFDs (personal flotation devices) while they are out on the water. Simply having them on the boat isn’t always enough to save a life.

Just wearing a PFD isn’t enough, though. It’s very important to select the right type of PFD, and to make sure that it fits properly. A PFD that doesn’t may slip off, be incapable of keeping the wearer afloat, cause an unconscious person to flip over, or in some cases, cause loss of blood flow or strangulation.

So how do you make sure your life jacket fits? Follow these guidelines, courtesy of The U.S. Coast Guard:

PFD Fitting Guidelines
Whether swimming, fishing, participating in water sports, or just having a family cruise, we want everyone to have a great time out on the water. As always, happy and safe boating from Atlantic Yacht Basin!




Gift Giving Guide 2015

Not sure what to get for your boat loving family this holiday season? Check out our list for some ideas.


Dry Case– For all your tech waterproofing needs. If you’ve ever worried about your digital devices getting wet but can’t bear to part with them then Dry Case may be your solution. They offer a multitude of case types for all of your tech devices. They also have waterproof speakers so you can take your jams wherever you want.

Grundens– As for the humans, Grundens offers some of the best waterproof clothes so that you can be in the middle of the ocean during a storm and still stay dry.


Lemon and Line– Lemon and Line offers a cute collection of bracelets and accessories with a nautical theme. The jewelry is simple and sophisticated making them perfect for daily wear.


Sperry– The quintessential boat shoe. Everyone knows and loves Sperry, so give the gift of comfort and non-slip soles. They have an ever-changing inventory to fit all sorts of styles.

Reef– Reefs are great for a day on the beach or a warm summer night. Your friend might not be able to break them out on Christmas day, but they will love them come the warmer months. Added bonus is the built-in bottle opener on the soles of many of their shoes.

Sebago– For a versatile and classic East Coast vibe give them Sebagos. They offer multiple style options great for whatever kind of adventurer your loved one is.

Life Jacket

Mustang Survival– Has your significant other’s life jacket seen better days? Check out Mustang Survival’s options and replace the one that’s been around since 1998. They even have lightweight inflatable options.


GoPro– The perfect camera for all sportsmen. Get great pictures and video from a small camera that can go anywhere with you. It’s rugged design and shell options make it a great accessory for any type of adventure.

Tide Clock

Georgetown Pottery– These tide clocks have a lot of different designs so that they will fit whatever space you want to put them in. They subtly tell the tide so you can always be ready for the best boating.


Magma Products– What summer day on the water is complete without a barbeque? These barbeques are specially designed to fit your boat without taking up to much space. A barbeque on the boat opens up so many more boat food options!


Kurgo– Don’t forget your furry friends! From life jackets to dog toys Kurgo offers a little bit of everything your dog could want or need.

Preventing Coral Bleaching

Recent studies have shown that a chemical in most sunscreens is causing harm to coral across the world. The chemical oxybenzone has been shown to be a factor in coral bleaching even in low concentrations. Coral bleaching causes discoloration to the coral and ultimately leads to its death. Without coral, fish populations suffer from the deterioration of their habitat and shorelines are more susceptible to storms. Coral bleaching is caused by a variety of things, but the latest discovery is the amount of oxybenzone present in the water especially around tourist areas.

Oxybenzone is a chemical present in many sunscreens and is one of the most effective ingredients for protecting skin from the sun. Unfortunately, as it washes off and is reapplied throughout a day at the beach it is causing harm to the coral reefs. Luckily there are some ways that we can reduce the stress we are putting on coral reefs.

Oxybenzone free sunscreen-

There are sunscreens available that don’t contain oxybenzone. You may have to search a little harder for them or order them online. Don’t be fooled by products that may claim  to bee “reef friendly” as they aren’t regulated and may still contain harmful ingredients.

Wear SPF clothing-

There’s a variety of clothing options available that have built in SPF. Try wearing an SPF shirt and hat when you are out gardening and an SPF bathing suit for swimming. This limits the amount of sunscreen necessary to protect your exposed skin and prevents it from running off into the water system.

Evaluate your products-

There are a few sites that allow you to look up the contents of your beauty products and see how ecologically friendly they are. This is a great opportunity to evaluate all the products you use and see if you can do something to improve marine life.

The opportunity to improve the marine environment is always something boaters should be looking into. Without a healthy ecosystem our ability to enjoy the water deteriorates. Finding alternatives to oxybenzone sunscreen is just one more way we can ensure our oceans are available for people to enjoy for generations to come.

5 Steps to Hauling Your Boat

Unfortunately, there are instances where you may need to take your boat out of the water for overland transport. This can be a stressful experience and definitely present’s it’s own set of challenges. Fortunately, it has been done many times by many people and there are certain tried and true methods to make sure things go smoothly. When you are preparing your boat for transport there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure safe travels.

1. Find a Specialist

Finding someone who has transported boats before is always a good idea. You are placing your prized possession in the hands of someone else and you should ensure that those hands are capable. Talk to friends who may have already been through the process and look at reviews online.

2. Take Before Pictures

Having photos of the condition of the boat before departure will enable you to show evidence if there is damage to the boat when it arrives at its destination. It can also be helpful if anything has to be disassembled during transport. You can document the process of taking it apart and have images to follow when putting it back together.

3. Prep the Boat

You should empty all fuel, water, and waste tanks before transporting. In the winter you may need to drain additional systems. Disconnect the battery to avoid any electrical problems. You will also need to check for invasive species on your boat. The presence of invasive species when crossing state borders can be cause for impounding.  

4. Make Sure Everything is Secure

Regardless of how far you are traveling it is important to have everything secure. Check cabinets so that things don’t get jostled. Pay extra close attention to things that could potentially move past the hull and be damaged during transport.

5. Check Measurements

Lastly, measure your boat. Check height, width and length when on the trailer and compare the measurements to any measurement restrictions on the route. The last thing anyone wants is to scrape the top of the boat on a low overpass.

Transporting your boat doesn’t have to be a stressful process. Following all these steps will benefit both you and your boat, ensuring a safe journey to your destination where you can place your boat safely back in the water.


Green Boating Tips

Nowadays, everything and everyone is going ‘green’ in an effort to reduce our effects on this beautiful, blue earth. “71% of the Earth’s surface is water-covered, and oceans hold about 96.5% of all Earth’s water.” Boaters should be particularly concerned about taking action to protect our marine environment. Below are just some of the ways boaters and marine enthusiasts can help to minimize their impact on bodies of water.

Regular Upkeep

This includes maintenance and product updates whenever possible. Regularly monitoring your fluids helps to prevent discharges and leaks, which can spill into the water and contaminate it. Additionally, the type of anti-fouling paint you use may be toxic for the environment. Sloughing bottom paints and copper based paints release toxins and biocides on the environment. Many of these paints have been banned or regulated, and as a result there are several replacements that reduce the impact on the environment. Replacing old parts and energy systems with new ones can decrease the need for oil, reducing the potential for oil spills and greenhouse gas emissions. Solar panels, bio-diesel, LED lights, wind generators, and electrical engines are just some of the modifications one can make to their boats or yachts to become more green and energy efficient.

Smart Cleaning

Part of maintaining your boat is keeping it clean. Cleaners and soaps often times have chemicals, such as triclosan, which has been proven to be bad. Triclosan is bad for the marine environment because it can have effects on algae’s ability to photosynthesize and additionally cause biomagnification to occur. Biomagnification is the process in which a toxin becomes more concentrated as it goes up the food chain, causing havoc on the marine life throughout the process. Eco-friendly products for your boat cleaning needs are easy to find. Check out this boat cleaning supply list for environmentally friendly and biodegradable products.

‘Pack It In, Pack It Out’

This age old adage applies not only to land but to sea. The purpose behind this is to keep the wilderness wild and ‘untouched’. Basically, be kind to the environment and dispose of trash, waste, and hazardous materials properly. Marine debris is not just harmful for aquatic creatures, but also for humans enjoying the open ocean or beaches. Marine debris injures, traps, and chokes marine animals, physically harms beach goers and swimmers, and can get into the internal parts of boats. According to the E.P.A., in 2001, over 140,000 people across the U.S. removed about 3.6 million pounds of debris from more than 7,700 miles of coasts, shorelines, and underwater sites. Recycling, using biodegradable products, and managing waste holding tanks are some of the many actions boaters should take to prevent debris and water from entering our water.

Green Boating is Better Boating

There is no denying that if we want to continue enjoying a yachting and marine lifestyle, we must vigilantly protect our oceans. Not only are we protecting aquatic life, but our own, and the lifespans of our boats. Keep our oceans blue and your boating green.

Travel the World by Boating and Yachting

In 2014, the Caribbean saw more than 26 million trips from foreigners, with over half of those being directly related to tourism. Maritime and coastal tourism have accounted for up to ⅓ of the marine economy in the E.U.. Hedy Lamarr (the actress) once said, “I’ve met the most interesting people while flying or on a boat. These methods of travel seem to attract the kind of people I want to be with.”

For those just getting into boating or traveling by boat (sail, power, trawler, sternwheelers, etc.), preparing for a trip on the high seas is more difficult than one might think. I have found that taking a trip by boat, without using a yacht charter service, can be surprisingly complicated. These trips aren’t your run of the mill drive by car or fly by plane trips, which still take time, effort, and planning. Knowing what to do and when to do it is essential for a seamless and fun trip, which is why planning is essential. Once the decision has been made to go on a trip, by boat, with your friends and family, it will finally be time to begin your journey.

“I Can Do This by Myself”

        Too many individuals go into travel planning processes (especially those involving boats, excluding chartered cruises) with the idea that they will be planning the entire trip without the help or advice of others, for a myriad of reasons. For example, maybe they don’t work well with others or maybe they get embarrassed asking for help. Regardless, one of the first things to do it rid yourself of this mindset. Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of travel sites, however, this should only be the start of your travel planning.

Begin with the internet. Then start enlisting the help of people on boating and sailing related forums. Meeting up with crews and owners at marinas can also be a great source of information. Travel agents are another group you can speak with during the planning process. Not only do travel agents know the ins and outs of multiple destinations, but they know more than you do. They also have better connections, and can be safety nets if you choose to work with them during the entirety of your travel process. Finally, be sure to visit and play with a number of boat travel planners, such as this one. Online tools can give you a sense of how many nautical miles you will be traveling or how much fuel you may need.

Decide Where You Are Going

        You likely already have an idea of the route you plan on taking, which is a start. A thorough travel route should be a priority though and should include a multitude of specifics. Plotting your route on a map can eliminate any questions about where you are going, how much fuel may be needed, what ports you plan to stop at, what ports can be emergency backups, etcetera. Additionally, once you know the route you are taking and the dates, you can begin to look at weather patterns. On the water, one must consider wind and waves, the potential for tsunamis, and, most likely, hurricanes. Understanding the potential for storm surges, winds, and the path of hurricanes could significantly alter the course of a boat trip. Have your hurricane preparedness plan arranged before leaving.

Budget, Budget, Budget

        Once a clear route and time range has been established, evaluating the budget of the trip will come next. One must account for food, water, pre-departure maintenance, fuel for along the way, the cost of staying at ports, and any fees and papers for coming or going from your destination. Keeping your food costs down, watching fuel prices from numerous resources, and preplanning your stays will likely save you a few bucks. Remember to account for several days extra worth of water and food in case of emergencies.

“A boat is a hole in the water that you throw your money into.” This is a fairly accurate description if something bad happens to your boat. What happens when you haven’t budgeted or aren’t prepared for those costs? You may need to buy parts or visit a marina for repairs. This is why you should consider your options.

Safety First is Safety Always

        There are a countless number of boating safety related infographics, articles, and videos out there on the web. First, use your common sense. If you don’t know your way around boats very well, hire someone who does. Alternatively, have someone aboard that can serve as an assistant skipper in case you are injured or for some other reason incapable of operating the boat. As mentioned earlier, be weather aware, and download and complete a safety checklist to help you prepare.

Furthermore, consider the safety of the wildlife and ocean around you. There have been several maritime laws that have been put into place in order to protect the environment. In 2010, there were approximately 10.2 million pieces of trash collected along just U.S. coastline. Protecting the environment and protecting travelers should be of the utmost importance during a long excursion on a boat. Should one of the travelers jump in for a dive, they may encounter ocean pollution, which is not only toxic for the oceans but can be dangerous for
those in the water. Keep an eye on the water around you and remember to dispose
of your trash appropriately.

Befriend Fellow Travelers

        Now comes the fun. From here on out, you are boating for the reasons that made you want to travel initially- minus regularly making pit stops for supplies and doing daily chores. During your journey, be sure to meet up with other people who are traveling by boat. As Hedy Lamarr acknowledged, this traveling crowd tends to be light hearted, and are actually some of the most active and healthy individuals. When speaking with other boaters, you may learn a thing or two about the next destination on your list. Plus, as a side bonus, you have the potential of meeting and making lifelong friends.

Remember Why You are Boating and Yachting

        Boating and traveling are, in several ways, ideal leisure activities for many. Don’t forget this while you are traveling. Yes, there will be work involved. Yes, there may be small problems here and there. But you are traveling on a boat for your own (hopefully positive) reasons. Relax, turn on some of your favorite tunes, do the activities you planned, enjoy the company around you, and have safe travels.